Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Life has to be centered, focused on God. He is with us always. Sometimes doesn't feel that way.
Sometimes feels like he has stepped out of our reach. Sometimes feels like he isn't listening. but He is always there for us. He is with us. He does not leave us at all.
He does take us on a path that is hard, lonely, attacked, cold, dark. But what I am seeing, He is there, with us. There is something for us. Does not make sense. but will we trust what He is doing.
And all the crying I have done, there is a reason.
Also the world thinks they know God and all about them. But not like that at all. God wants us to give to other people. Reach out and love them. Forgive. Move on. Let go and Let God.
God never ever forces his love on anyone. Free choice. It always seems great for us. but not when other people can have free choice and hurt us.
But do we want people to be forced. i don't. I want them to love me because they do.
This path he has had us on for the last 1 1/2 is hard, Cause it seems nothing is happening at all. Just thanking and praising Him. All He ask. But it has been hard, hurtful. Even at times lonely.
But God has shown us some things, that because of our hurt we have new understanding.
good thing even though hard.
Wait and praise. One day at a time.

Monday, December 19, 2011

What I want for Christmas

As I have thought what I want for Christmas, not a lot. Not a lot of physical stuff.
There are things that I have really cried out to God for. Only He can do them.
Things are okay, but they don't satisfy. Somethings God can do. Others, it is people listening and following. But also trusting that God will fill me with what I need as I wait.
Things that God desires, for us all.