Thursday, January 19, 2012

Loosing weight

Well, how many people start the year loosing weight. Or say they are.
Well, Mark and I did say that, and have begun to loose weight. Now his was more after going to the dr, and the dr telling him he needed to loose weight.
Well, Mark had begun to see some different things.
So we begun to change our eating habits. No sweets or very little. Not buys a lot of stuff not good for you. Taking some supplements. Learning to eat 6 times a day. Not good yet, but getting better.
In a weeks time, only doing a mile walk twice, i have lost just over a pound. It is good, but I will feel better when I can fit into these other jeans. But I press on.
I refused some muffins at bible study.
I drink water. Love Green tea.
And for part of my birthday, mark got me "Skinny chicks eat real food". Yes I did want that book. So I was glad.
Slowly but changing.

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