Well 2012 is here. What will this year bring? I have no clue. All I can do is what God ask. Not with eyes to see, but in faith of what He tells me. Follow that path. Even if it means no one gets it. Even if some don't care. Even if some think it is stupid.
Noah built an ark. No one got it.
Do what He leads. Isn't that what is important. Obedience. Grow and grow in Christ. In His ways. What He wants. Jesus was not always popular.
Even now if you read the news, people don't care at all. Follow Christ when He gives what you want. Not following His ways.
People want to twist the word of God around themselves. Not always true.
Not letting others make you feel guilty to do something. It is about seeking God. Loving people.
I am going to continue to praise and thank God for providing all the money we need to pay our house off. To provide the money to buy our new house. To then show us who to give this house too. Then continue to pray God show us the neighborhood we are to move in. Pray for ministering to the misfits. Encourage others.
Then I am going to ask God to give me the encouragement I need each day. And ask God to comfort when hurting. To be what I need each day.
Others may not understand what God is leading us to do. Others didn't believe Jesus was the messiah. Job's friends blamed him. When God allowed it.
One step at a time. One day at time. If that means people don't care. If that means people forget, if that means no one prays, then so be it. Cause God is allowing it. So I will get angry, I will cry, I will feel have bad days. But God is always with me.
I thank God for leading us on the path to move. Not because I can see how or when. Not because others believe or understand. But because God said it. Not because we deserve it, but because this is God's plan.
God is God of the impossible. He restores what the Locust have eaten.
This year am praying for what to do for Seth to school. We have until Aug to figure it out. God is not early always on time. Will trust what He decides. He knows.
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